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Hi, I’m Brooke!

But I go by many names these days..

I’ve been a princess performer since 2017, and a lifetime lover of Disney and all things imaginative. As a professional musician, an award winning cosplayer, and years of experience in theatre and performance - I am dedicated to creating the most magical memory for your special event!

Best Day Ever!

Click here to get sneak peek at my parties

  1. Pick a Princess!


2. Pick a Party!


30 min


With this package your princess will

  • Meet and greet

  • Provide quick game (always helps the kiddo’s open up)

  • Sing a long with guitar

  • Special Photo op with birthday girl/boy and friends

60 min


With this package your princess will

  • meet and greet

  • provide game

  • Sing a long with guitar

  • Craft provided by princess

  • Happy birthday / present helper (or time spent as requested)

  • Small gift for birthday girl/boy

  • Special Photo of with birthday girl/boy and friends


Tips are not required, but they are very appreciated! It will take me a few hours to prepare for your event, not to mention gas used to get to you! Thank you for considering this gesture!

Two Princess?!

60 min $200

Double the fun! Upon special request, I team up with the extremely talented Audra Miller ( Also known as lead singer in “First to Eleven”) . This package includes games, crafts, magical princess duets, special helpers for unwrapping presents/ birthday cake, and we always make time for photo ops!

Please contact me in advance for this package since we would need to accommodate both of our busy schedules!

Want to book just Audra for you party? No worries, I get it - She’s amazing!

Audra also throws her own parties, If you would like to get in contact with her - please email her separately at:

3. Let’s Book it!

I can’t wait to be a part of your families special day!

Please contact me with the date & time of your party, the princess and package of your choosing, and any other details I should know about . I’ll be in touch with you soon!